Meet Duncan
Club President
Old, and certainly not wise, I can't say no to anything, including making a comeback for a second spell as President. My wife says that I keep fit by mentally swimming every stroke that every swimmer takes in a race!
If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Do you have any hidden talents?
None - they are all out there 😄
When I was young I played just about every sport imaginable, including football, rugby, cricket, tennis, table tennis, squash, golf and swimming. I have subsequently coached a number of these sports. Throughout my life, I have also tended to end up in roles where I chair the meetings - this has included everything from chairing the Parent Council at the local Primary School, to chairing organisations at national level in Scotland and the UK.
I am now retired but all that this has done is to make me spend more time rather than less on swimming matters! I probably spend the equivalent of a normal working week involved in swimming.
Being involved with G.A.S.C has had a huge impact, not just on my life but also on that of my wife and family. It can be stressful and difficult at times, but is mostly hugely enjoyable with lots of fun and the chance to make new acquaintances.
I have been involved with young people and sport all my life. When my children were young I joined the GASC Committee, was later elected as President, and stayed for 15 years! In January 2022, and in part because my grandchildren now attend, I agreed to assist the new committee to get on its feet, and am now in my second year as President - again!
Swimming has brought lots of very happy memories over many years. Leading the Glenrothes swimming team to success in Bergama, Turkey was a big highlight. Currently, I am doing my best to ensure the club can be the very best it can be for all our swimmers.
We are fortunate to have a great facility on our doorstep, and we do our best to ensure that swimming is accessible to all. We also have a very friendly and sociable club which tries to work for all its swimmers.