C Squad Land Training Exercises

Here are some examples of land training that can be done at home, without any specific equipment. These are age and stage appropriate and if done under the supervision of an adult shouldn't cause any injury to your child. They should aim to do these around 2 - 3 times per week, perhaps on days when they are not in the pool. They can gradually increase this over the months.
Always start with 5-10 minutes of warm-up. Include simple activities like jogging on the spot, star jump, and shuffling. These activities take the hear-rate up and make the body nice and warm.
Then move onto the following exercises (you can just do a few of these for one session), doing them for 30 seconds, resting for 30 seconds and repeating this between 4 and 6 times (see the youtube links for examples). Please don't do too much!
3. Alternating arm and leg plank
7. Alternating straight-leg jack knife