Information for New Swimmers
Everything you need to know for getting started
Welcome to G.A.S.C.
Welcome to Glenrothes Amateur Swimming Club! We hope, as a family, you all enjoy being part of our club and meeting fellow swimmers and parents.
This welcome page contains some information that we hope will be helpful to you during your time with us.
When joining a competitive club, some of the rules, forms, dates, events, etc. can be a bit daunting but we hope we have covered most of these subjects here for you.
Joining Fees
Monthly Squad Fees – Squad fees vary depending on which squad your swimmer is in. You will be asked to register a card on Team Unify and fees will be collected from this card on 1st of each month.
Club Membership Fees - These are paid yearly on 1st of October. On joining the club you will pay a pro-rata rate.
SASA Fees – These are paid yearly on 1st of March. On joining the club you will pay a pro-rate rate.
Our Membership Secretary will contact you via email to explain the above fees and guide you through the Team unify registration process. You will be prompted to register a bank card on Team unify and all fees will be drawn from this account.
Attendance Policy and Procedures
Attendance Policy
Our attendance policy can be found on our attendance policy page.
Attendance Procedures
Attendance will be recorded via the Spond app. Invites are sent out for all squad sessions (three days in advance) and you can select Attend or Decline, as appropriate. If your swimmer can no longer attend as session, this can be edited and a notification will be sent to their coach.
Club Committee and Volunteer Roles
G.A.S.C owes a great deal of thanks to our team of volunteers who form the committee and undertake various roles to support the smooth running of the club.
Committee Roles
President - Duncan Simpson
Vice Presidents: Kathyrn Sharp and Frances Hughes
Secretary – Frani Horsburgh
Treasurer - Julia Thomson
Assistant Treasurer - Greg Thomson
Membership Secretary - Katrina Clark
Gala Secretary - Leanne Starkie
Gala Convenor - Susan Birne
Senior Technical Official - Lisa Singh
Comms Convenor - Claire Adair
Trophies Convenor - Hilary Haman
Social Convenor - Lisa Lamont
Fundraising Coordinator - Lynette MacDonald
Non-Committee Roles
Head Coach - Craig Holmes
Coaching Coordinator - Helen Mackay
Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer - Anna Tizzard
Shop Manager - Natasha Hughes
Sponsorship Organiser - Jennifer Smith
If you are interested in becoming a member of our committee, please do not hesitate to contact our President, who will be able to talk to you about how you can get involved.
Club Kit
You can get all your club merchandise from our club shop which is open on the first Wednesday of each month in the reception area of Michael Woods, Glenrothes from 6 - 7:30pm.
We also do club clothing orders periodically throughout the year which are advertised on the Facebook page and by email.
Look out for any news or updates about what's on offer at the club shop on the private Facebook page.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask Natasha who is on the balcony most nights.
As a club we are always trying to find new ways to raise funds. If you would like to take part in fundraising or share any fantastic ideas, please speak to a member of our committee team, who will put you in touch with our Fundraising Co-ordinator. We are always keen to hear about how other clubs or organisations have raised money.
Technical Officials are essential to running events and competitions. As a club we are obligated to provide Technical Officials at any events that our swimmers attend. With this in mind, we're always looking to recruit new members who are looking to gain a skill, meet new people and represent our club. There are opportunities to progress through a range of roles, from Timekeeper to Referee. Please speak to a member of our committee team, who will ensure our Senior Technical Official contacts you to chat through opportunities.
You can find out more about Swimming Official Roles on the Scottish Swimming Website.
Please don’t feel overwhelmed by the amount of information within this pack – not all of the details will be relevant to you when you first join the club. We hope that the information within this pack will be something that you can refer to as and when you need to, if there is anything you can’t find then don’t hesitate to get in touch with one our committee members who will be able to help you.